Thursday, September 22, 2011

Guided Meditation

For the last year or so, I've started practicing meditation. It's something that I will always be trying to improve, without judgement on self, because it is a life long discipline. I've found it difficult to meditate because I don't have a quiet space or dedicated meditation space in my home. Until I get that set up, I've taken to listening to a guided mediation. You can get them free on or Itunes. Try it out and see if it serves your practice.

Friday, September 16, 2011


Wikipedia defines alignment as the adjustment of an object in relation with other objects, or a static orientation of some object or set of objects in relation to others.

I like the words adjustment and static orientation. To be in alignment is to adjust ourselves- our hearts, minds and spirits towards what gives us meaning and purpose in our lives. It can also be referred to as being centered. To have a static orientation is to remain centered in our purpose despite all other outside forces on us - job, family, others' expectations, our own expectations, etc.

To gain alignment, we must reflect on who we are today and what our potential is, and bringing awareness to that gap. Think about your dreams for yourself and how you are or aren't living out those dreams.

Reflect on being in alignment with what you are and what you could be.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Show Recommendation: Shania Twain, Why not?

On the OWN channel, there is a great, inspirational reality series with country singer and superstar, Shania Twain. I've had the pleasure of watching a few episodes and hearing Shania talk about her experience through the series. It shows her journey of personal growth and healing through tragedy and betrayal in her life. Its a very real and accessible story. I think many people, men and women, can relate to her and her struggles. I also think people can find inspiration. Check it out sometime if you can or read her book, From this moment on.

"I just want to understand... Im a seeker, I'll be forever searching." ~ Shania Twain