Saturday, December 31, 2011

The New Year brings opportunity

Happy New Year!

With a new year comes new opportunities. Take this time to look back over 2011 and reflect on the joys and sorrows it brought you.
Now, let them go.
Focus on the present and on what you would like to come into your Life in 2012. Is it a new job, travel, less worry, more joy, less stress, more exercise? Whatever it is for you, visualize it and allow yourself to be open to welcome those things into your Life.
I'm open for change this year and for a new job. I dont know when it may happen or what it might look like but I know it will happen. And it will be the right opportunity for me. I'm doing my best to let go of 2011 so that my energy is freed up for all the wonderful things 2012 has to offer me.

I wish you wonderful opportunity in 2012!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011