Friday, August 12, 2011

The Doctor Who Walked Away

I was recently watching a reality television show - you know, one of those "emergency room" shows. One of the physicians featured on the show, was a woman who was in her third year of residency as a surgeon. She spent the last ten years in medical school and has spent over $100,000 on her education.

During the show, she explained how much time her job took away from the other things that she considered important in her life and how much stress it caused her. She valued family and because of her work schedule (60 hours+ straight most days) she was unable to spend time with them like she wanted. So, after thousands of dollars and years in school, she decided to resign from her residency. How brave! Some may not agree but I think that this woman was extremely courageous to make this decision. She made a difficult choice, but she chose to leave behind something that wasn't making her happy.

She decided to put herself first, not her job. Wow! I admire this courage. The woman said "If you're not doing something that makes you happy then don't do it." Sounds easy, right? Yet, so many of us choose to do the opposite. How can we be more courageous like this woman and choose happiness?

Think of your current situation. Are you where you want to be? Are you doing what you want to do? Simply put, are you happy? If you're not, then how can you move towards what makes you happy? How can you move away from the things that sap your energy and your joy? Put a plan into effect and start taking steps towards achieving it.  Be happy!

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