Monday, August 1, 2011

How can you incorporate more PLAY into your day?

I attend weekly yoga sessions at a local Anusara studio here in Seattle. In one of my recent sessions, my teacher discussed play as a theme. We played with our threshold levels for certain poses. I tipped and teetered a lot that day! But I had fun! And I don't know if I would've tried as many poses, if my teacher hadn't reminded me to just play and see what happens.

Play enables creativity, imagination and joy to flourish. Whenever I'm feeling constricted, frustrated or bored, I try to find time to play. I like turning on my Nintendo Wii and dancing or karaoke singing, or I  go outside for walks in the park or some other physical activity. These are the things that bring me joy and open my mind up. After these playtimes, I find new ideas come pouring through me.

Try taking a break in your day, each day to find time to play. Play can be dancing, singing, skipping, rolling in the grass with your dog- it's whatever it is that brings you joy and makes you want to create.

How else can you incorporate more play into your day?

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